We Bet You Didn’t Know These Home Burglary Facts

Burglary: The unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. This crime usually, but not always, involves theft. The illegal entry may be by force such as by breaking a window or slashing a screen. It may also be without force, such as through an unlocked door or window.
And in the US, one happens every 15 seconds.
When most people think of a burglary, they form their perception around movie portrayals with the burglar wearing black and lurking in the bushes late at night ready to strike.
While a burglar very well could be wearing black and ready to strike at night, the most likely burglary scenarios do not fit the stereotypical images and facts you’d see in the movies.
We bet you’ll be completely shocked by some of these burglary facts.
- Even if a burglary does not involve a weapon or forced entry, victims can still feel traumatized for months after the event.
- Every year there are approximately 2.2 million burglaries in the US.
- The average arrest rate for burglaries is 13%.
- Most burglaries occur during the daytime between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., not at night.
- The typical burglary takes from 90 seconds to 12 minutes.
- Single-family detached homes are the most targeted home structures because they have more places to hide as well as more access points.
- The typical burglar is local and lives within 2 miles of the victims and are often familiar with the victim in some way.
- Most burglars are under 25.
- 95% of burglars are male.
- Burglars do not just want electronics. Tools and prescription medications are also highly desirable.
- Homes in the center of the block are more likely to be targeted than corner lots which have higher visibility.
- Only 17% of the homes in the US have security systems.
- 60% – 90% of burglars say they would avoid homes with security systems.
- Almost 1 in 3 burglars enter through unlocked doors and windows.
- Homes without security systems are 3 times more likely to be broken into.
Knowing and understanding key facts about burglary can help you avoid becoming a victim. Review these facts and develop a clear plan for preventing your home from becoming a target. With over 30 years of electronic security system experience, Alarmingly Affordable offers your family the most reliable defense possible from threats of invasion and theft. For more information about electronic security and home security monitoring, Call Alarmingly Affordable today.
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