Safety at the Start of Summer

The official start of summer begins with the activities of Memorial Day: beach trips, swim parties and cookouts. As exciting as all of it is, it’s important to do these things while paying close attention to safety. Here are some important safety reminders before summer is in full swing.
Stay away from illegal fireworks.
Even before July 4th, lots of people are tempted to light fireworks at home. Is it legal? Not always. In New York, residents are permitted to use the following types of ground-based fireworks at home:
- Showers of sparks
- Handheld wood sparklers
- Party poppers and snappers
Meanwhile, these types of fireworks are illegal:
- Aerial consumer fireworks
- Firecrackers and chasers
- Skyrockets and roman candles
- Bombs and metal wire sparklers
If you’re caught setting off illegal fireworks, you could be charged with disorderly conduct or a felony of reckless endangerment. In New York City, illegal fireworks in all five boroughs are governed by a task force implemented by Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2021. The task force was created because fireworks are more than an annoyance; they’re dangerous, sending more than 15,000 Americans to the hospital every year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Cook outdoors with caution.
Outdoor cooking is a cherished summer tradition, but it’s important to enjoy it safely. The National Fire Protection Association reports that fire departments respond to more than 10,000 outdoor cooking fires per year nationwide. Furthermore, approximately 20,000 people visit the emergency room annually for thermal burns from outdoor grills (40% of these victims are children under five years old). Following these guidelines can help you avoid grilling dangers:
- Designate one person to make sure children and pets stay away from the grill.
- Never hold an infant or child while grilling, even in a sling or other carrier.
- For gas grills: Check the hose for holes or breaks before using.
- For charcoal grills: Keep everyone away from hot coals. Never try to relight a grill with lighter fluid. Follow manufacturer’s directions to use lighter fluid, and make sure it is fluid designed exclusively for charcoal (never use gasoline or another propellant).
Enjoy the water safely.
Unfortunately, the peak of summer is also the peak month for drowning; more drownings happen in July than any other time of year. Whether your family is hitting the beach or swimming in your own backyard, the risk of drowning is very real. Follow these guidelines to enjoy the water more safely:
- Always supervise children around water and keep them within arm’s length.
- Do not consume alcohol or other intoxicants while supervising children around water.
- Before using a water slide, jet ski or boat, make sure everyone is wearing a properly fitting safety vest.
- When swimming at the beach or another body of water, stay in the lifeguarded area and never separate from children.
- Avoid any impairing substances before going swimming, boating or supervising children around water.
It’s important to note that backyard swimming pools can be just as dangerous as a natural body of water. Supervising children in the pool is critical, no matter what home security technology you have installed.
Your alarm and cameras are designed to protect your family from intruders; water safety is always your responsibility.
At Alarmingly Affordable, we want you to enjoy the safest summer yet in 2022. To discuss home security systems, call Alarmingly Affordable. We’ll be glad to assist you.
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Alarmingly Affordable has more than 35 years of electronic security system experience. We realize the importance of building and maintaining long-term relationships with both our customers and our suppliers. A primary focus for our Staten Island security company is taking pride in providing our clients with an unparalleled level of quality and service.
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