Staten Island Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a favorite time of year for children and adults all over Staten Island and NYC. Without taking the right precautions, however, Halloween can also be one of the most dangerous days of the year for our children.
Consider these facts as you enjoy the fun-filled holiday as safely as possible:
- The incidence of pedestrian fatalities and auto related injuries are highest on Halloween.
- The incidence of drinking and driving does not decrease on Halloween.
- Children are up to four times more likely to be struck by a car on Halloween.
- For adult parties: Halloween party hosts that knowingly serve alcohol and let a guest drive while intoxicated can be found negligent should an accident occur.
- On Halloween, incidents of vandalism and malicious mischief rise.
- 12% of parents let children younger than 5 to trick-or-treat without adult supervision.
- Only 37% of children to use a flashlight on Halloween.
- The incidence of abduction remains the same on Halloween as other day.
- There has never been a documented case of a child ingesting tainted Halloween candy, though parents should always be cautious.
- Residents can be liable for injury due to trip and fall relating to unlit and unkempt steps and cracked walkways.
- Most adults are unaware of where registered sex offenders live before going out trick-or treating.
Halloween Safety Tips
If you want to keep the scares all in good fun, make safety is your top priority with these NYC Halloween safety tips.
- Instruct children in safety habits and pedestrian safety
- Always accompany children when they go trick or treating
- Stay in groups
- Avoid dark or secluded paths
- Choose well-fitting and fireproof costumes
- Choose light colored costumes or add reflective tape to all sides of the costume
- Opt for face make-up over masks
- Wear well-fitting and comfortable shoes with treads
- Carry flashlights
- Decorate treat bags and costume accessories with reflective tape
- Go to only well-lit houses
- Inspect candy to make sure it is unopened and safe
- Avoid driving when possible, when necessary, drive slowly and expect kids to be darting from behind cars and into the street
- Watch costumes around candle lit jack o’ lanterns
- Browse state websites for local registered sex offenders and avoid those addresses
Remember Halloween Home Security Tips
- Make sure the walkway leading to your door is in good repair and free of cracks
- Ensure the walkway leading to your home is free of obstacles, such as hoses, toys, leaves or Halloween decorations
- Keep the pathway and doorway of your home well-lit
- Confine all pets
- Use battery operated candles in displays instead of traditional candles
- Stay alert and report any suspicious activity to local authorities
- Make sure valuables are not visible from the doorway when you answer the door
- Never overload electrical sockets with too many automated Halloween decorations
- If you have a Halloween party for adults, serve nonalcoholic beverages
- Turn on your home security alarm system if you leave for the evening.
Fun Fact: 90% report sneaking candy from their child’s Halloween bag.
Following a few simple precautions can make sure that your Halloween stays safe. If you have any questions about the steps you can take all year to protect your family and your property, give us a call. We are always here to help.
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